You can do all the pricing research in the world before you open the doors to your business but that doesn’t guarantee you’ll make money. Of course, there’s marketing involved and there’s also learning time management so you have enough time in your day to see clients. Those two things definitely have an impact on your earning potential. But one of the most common reasons why entrepreneurs don’t earn what they should is due to their mindset.
Entrepreneurs are not less knowledgeable or less skilled as their corporate counterparts; the problem stems for their mindset and how they really feel about money. Plus, we generally don’t think about mindset when it comes to earning money. We run on adrenaline and excitement to open our doors and think that will carry us through for years to come.
Examining Mindset Scenarios
Think about when you first opened your doors. Did you do you fall into any of these categories?
- You did your market research and put your price on your website.
- You did your research, then hemmed and hawed over whether it was too expensive.
- You lowered your price (even though you did market research) because you were new to the world of coaching and wanted to attract clients.
The reasons different business owners fall into these different scenarios all has to do with mindset. They either have an abundance mindset which also brings self-confidence or they have a poverty mindset, which brings loads of self-doubt. As you can see, only one of these mindsets will yield success while the other brings mediocrity.
Can You Change Your Mindset?
Of course you can and we’re going to discuss some ways to do that in the coming days. There’s absolutely no shame in acknowledging that you fall into the poverty mindset; so many people do! Now it’s time to take action to change that mindset and to change your outlook on life and your business.
Just remember, changing your mindset takes practice and some time. It’s not something that just switches overnight. Think about how long you’ve been in a poverty mindset; many, many years, right? That won’t change quickly. But there is hope! And if there is determination and focus you can make it. Change your way of thinking about money will open you to attracting more money in abundance. But again, there’s work involved; it’s not magic.