Books, Guides and Magazines

Thanks to visit our Bookstore section. Here you will find recommendations of books and guides about better business, art of living and travel, as well as programs & software for business development /growing. This recommendation list is from third party products/publishers and also from our own publishing company. We would like to reminder you that we can also help you produce your own book or ebook, calendar or magazine project in accordance with your budget from design and layout to printing and publishing. We are content creators and on the left you see the cover of Soul Brasil, our cultural-eco-social printed magazine with circulation in Southern California and Las Vegas – to know more about visit – To contact us call (805)245-5615.

Here Comes Everybody

The author of Here Comes Everybody, Clay Shirky, has long chronicled the internet’s fortunes, and in this installment, examines social networks and how technology is changing the way people – and business, interact. Fascinating anecdotes and smart writing keep the topic from being deadly dull.

Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations

Guerrilla Marketing

No matter what business you are in, Guerrilla Marketing is a must buy. The book exposure you with ideas such creating opportunities for collaboration and how to make it easy for people to do business with you, how to use your imagination rather than your bank account, how to be flexible yet steadfast and how to be socially responsible. Now on the 4th edition, the author can surprise you with interesting ways to grow your business as well how to have a personal life.

Startup Guide to Guerrilla Marketing: A Simple Battle Plan for First-Time Marketers

Robin Hood Marketing

Robin Hood Marketing is a must-have for every person with a just cause. This book serves as both a deep read and quick reference. Its narratives of successful social marketing ventures to be contemplated over a cup of tea fit between its bulleted key points. The author writes with urgency, compelling us to abandon time-wasting marketing attempts and move forward with marketing rules that will have results. This is an excellent resource for individuals working in the field of public service. Andresen does a remarkable job of teaching organizations how to find their “sweet spot” and how to convey complex messages in simple terms that compel audiences to take action.

Robin Hood Marketing: Stealing Corporate Savvy to Sell Just Causes

Who Moved My Cheese?

Change is the only constant in life and this book “Who Moved My Cheese?” helps you to deal with change in the workplace. For most people, change is seen as scary, but could be a blessing in disguise. This book will help you see change as a constant and adapt to life’s everyday changes.

Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life

Small Time Operator

Small Time Operator is a classic, having sold over 500,000 copies in 25 editions. If you’re new to starting and running a business, this is one of the first books you should buy. It does a great job discussing the basics of business taxes, including employment taxes, and many other mundane topics you probably want to understand. The author takes you through getting started (business location, financing, legal structure, licenses & permits, import & export, insurance, business name and business plan), Bookkeeping (bank accounts, recording income, sales & expenditures and financial management), Business Growth (hiring help, incorporation), Taxes (expenses, self-employment tax, retirement deductions, the IRS, returns, other taxes), and inclusive a great Appendix.

Small Time Operator: How to Start Your Own Business, Keep Your Books, Pay Your Taxes, and Stay Out of Trouble!

Legal Guide for Starting & Running a Small Business

Get an easy understanding of small business legal issues with Legal Guide for Starting & Running a Small Business. An unusually and helpful approach to the start-up process covering a lot of basics, from negotiating a lease to representing yourself in small claims court. All the plain-English legal and business information you need to get your business off the ground and running.

Legal Guide for Starting & Running a Small Business

Educational Magazines for Kids

Zoobooks MagazineWe partnership with Zoobooks, a award-winning animal magazine for children of all ages, from toddler to elementary school to middle school. Zoobooks magazines are skillfully designed to enhance your child’s learning. Parents and teachers trust Zoobooks to educate kids… strengthening their vocabulary and reading habits. Kids just think the magazines are cool!

The Relationship Edge

Are you trying to find ways of building or extending your network? Are you interested in learning some techniques to improve your business relationships? The Relationship Edge gives you the tool kit that you can carry with you. This book talks about the different types of relationship levels that you can have with others and highlights a number of techniques that includes questioning, caring, connecting, and setting up goals. What is very helpful is the real life situations & examples that makes it an interesting read.

The Relationship Edge in Business: Connecting with Customers and Colleagues When It Counts

Small Loans, Big Dreams

In Small Loans, Big Dreams the author is straightforward about the struggles and successes of a movement which has become one of the most powerful weapons against poverty in our time. After reading it, don’t be surprised if you start chasing harder after your own big dreams. This idea is the genius of microcredit: banking for people too impoverished to provide the required collateral for a regular bank account. After achieving remarkable success in Bangladesh, where the Grameen Bank is now sustainable, founder Muhammad Yunus turned his attention to developing the system in other countries, including U.S.A.

Small Loans, Big Dreams: How Nobel Prize Winner Muhammad Yunus and Microfinance are Changing the World

Easy e-Bay

Easy e-Bay definitely is the best for beginners! I have been reading several books on beginning to sell on Ebay and this one is a plus because it walks you through the process with detail that others have not given. Yet, it is not difficult to follow. They include screenshots of each step in the process, so there will be no surprises when you get there! Also, the book provides valuable tips and resources in a separate box, and others which go into greater detail on the photography. It is the most comprehensive and easy to follow book that I have yet encountered.

Easy eBay

Go Green, Live Rich

Go Green, Live Rich offers a multitude of suggestions for conserving the planet and of course your money. The great news: there is no green premium! By demonstrating how going green can fit any budget, David Bach shows that good environmental and financial decisions go hand-in-hand. The book gives great tips, useful to everyone, about how to save money and the planet at once.

Go Green, Live Rich: 50 Simple Ways to Save the Earth and Get Rich Trying

Fight for Your

Fight for Your Money shows how you are being taken on your cell phone contract, cable bill, car purchase, credit card, life insurance, healthcare, 401(k) plan, airfare, hotel bills, and much more. Bach gives you all the tools you need to fight back, with websites, phone numbers, sample letters and real-life stories of ordinary people who have fought for their money and won.

Fight For Your Money: How to Stop Getting Ripped Off and Save a Fortune

New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages

New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages is a course that can be easily grasped by most, from the beginning student to the advanced. Used for mostly U.S webdesign College students and recommended by professors, this course is a step by step instruction on coding Web pages from scratch using HTML, XHTML, and XML. Offering new case problems, tutorials, and a new appendix on Web accessibility and Section 508 compliance, this text keeps students up to date on the latest in coding Web pages. Very well written and easy to follow, it is your first bet for dominating html and webdesign with to ‘hands-on’ tutorials.

New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages with HTML, XHTML, and XML, Comprehensive, Second Edition (New Perspectives (Paperback Course Technology))

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